In 2001 a model of care for transition of youth with diabetes (YWD) was implemented at Westmead Hospital and published in 2007. In 2017, Australian National Diabetes audit (ANDA) conducted a month survey of all people with diabetes attending participating centers. The Australian Diabetes Data Network (ADDN) is a newly established national database.
Aim: To determine if benefits are conferred by a youth specific transition care model as compared with other Australian adult health care settings for YWD age 16-25.
Methods: An audit of all T1D Westmead clinic attendees aged 16-25 in 2017 including age, duration diabetes, HbA1c, urine microalbumin/creatinine ratio in the last 12 months, BP, most recent retinal review and results compared with the ANDA outcomes for youth attending adult health care settings for management of diabetes. Subjects within 1 year diagnosis and pregnancy excluded.
Results: Key: HbA1c median (25th-75th centile), [n] missing * p<0.05. HbA1c did not differ across all adult centers. In subgroup analysis only MDI treated were lower in the ANDA centers. A significantly greater proportion had urine microalbumin screening and BP screening, in the Westmead cohort.
J. Holmes-Walker: None. P. Rueter: None. K. Farrell: None.