Obesity consists in a risk condition to several chronic diseases. The relationship of excessive adiposity and oral health has been the target of extensive investigations. To assess the association of visceral obesity (VO) and periodontal disease (PD) we evaluated 24 visceral obese women, assessing the periodontal heathy and the body fat distribution. Visceral obesity was defined by the waist to hip measurement (W/H) greater than 0.85. Periodontal disease was assessed by the Community Periodontal Index (CPI). Bioimpedanciometry was performed in all women, in addition to blood sample collection to glucose and plasma insulin dosage to calculate the Homeostatic Model Assessment - Insulin Resistance (HOMA-IR). The data were correlated by the following statistical analysis: the Shapiro-Wilk test to analyze the normality of the data. Pearson's parametric correlation test to investigate the correlation between HOMA-IR, Body Mass Index (BMI), the ratio percentage of visceral fat and total fat (%VF/%TF) and W/H. Spearman's non-parametric correlation test to investigate the correlation among the HOMA-IR, CPI, percentual total fat (%TF) and visceral fat (%VF) variables. Spearman's nonparametric correlation test to investigate the correlation among the CPI, %TF, %VF, %VF/% TF, BMI and W/H variables. We found a positive correlation between CPI e CA/CQ [r:0,4442; 95% CI -0.01199 to 0.7473; P (two-tailed) 0,0498]; and between CPI e %VF [0,4522; 95% CI -0.001949 to 0.7517; P (two-tailed) 0,0453]. It was not possible to find a positive correlation between CPI and %TF [r:0.2681; 95% CI - 0.2114 to 0.6436; P (two-tailed) 0.2531], as well as for the relationship between CPI and HOMA-IR [r:-0,344; P (two-tailed) 0.35; ns]. The other analyzes performed did not also show positive correlation. The firsts results suggest a positive correlation between PD and VO. But, the lack of correlation between CPI and HOMA-IR, contradicts this. Further studies should be performed to better clarify this issue.


A.C.F. Jacomossi: None.

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