Objective: To study the prevalence of obesity in patients with impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) and autoimmune chronic thyroiditis (ACT).

Material and Methods: The study group consists in 104 patients with IGT and ACT and 124 patients with IGT but without ACT. Were evaluated:

Lipid profile (total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDLc, LDLc).

Systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

Fasting glucose, oral glucose tolerance test.

Waist circumference and body mass index.

The thyroid gland:TSH, FT4, FT3, antithyroid antibodies, thyroid ultrasound.

Results: In group with IGT and ACT prevailed android obesity (65.38% vs. 47.58%, p=0.007, X2 =7.26). Also 30.62% were overweight (30.62% vs. 38.70%, p=0.11, X2=2.44). Regarding the class of android obesity, 50% had class I (50% vs. 57.63%, p=0.39, X2=0.73), 20.59% class II (20.59% vs. 25.42%, p=0.51, X2 =0.41 and 29.41% class III (29.41% vs. 16.95%, p=0.09, X2=2.71). Also, 32.65% had hypertension, and 73.47% dyslipidemia. Significance difference we obtain between group with ACT and hypothyroidism and without hypothyroidism (60.29% vs. 39.7%, p=0.016, X2=5.76).

Conclusions: In patients with IGT and ACT prevailed android obesity which increased risk of cardiovascular morbidity-mortality, particularly for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. The association of thyroid disease, which over time can evolve with hypothyroidism, is an additional risk factor for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.


A. Gherbon: None. R. Timar: None.

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