Evidence is now revealed that the cytotoxic effect caused by elevated levels of plasma glucose and free fatty acids, also called as glucolipotoxicity, is particularly harmful for pancreatic β-cell. In fact, the mammalian Ste20-like kinase 1 (MST1) can mediate glucolipotoxicity-induced β-cell damages by degradation of pancreatic and duodenal homeobox 1 (PDX-1), which is known to play an essential role in maintaining β-cell function and survival. Interestingly, the activation of the pluripotency-related microRNA cluster miR-302 can protect β-cells from glucolipotoxicity-induced apoptosis. However, few studies have examined the related mechanism in detail. In the present study, we investigated the protective roles of miR-302 on rat pancreatic RINm5F β-cells, and demonstrated that MST1 was confirmed as a target of miR-302. As a result, the activation of miR-302restored the expression of PDX1 by inactivating MST1 thus ameliorating glucolipotoxicity-induced β-cell impairments. In addition, miR-302 also upregulated endogenous antioxidant signaling and autophagic activities during glucolipotoxicity, suggesting the anti-aging process may be also involved in miR-302-mediated protection.

In conclusion, our study suggests that miR-302 may serve as a potential target for developing new diagnoses and therapies to reduce glucolipotoxicity in β-cells.


C. Huang: None. H. Li: None. E. Kornelius: None. Y. Yang: None. H. Ho: None. Y. Bai: None. C. Kuo: None. C. Peng: None. C. Lin: None.


Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan (105-2314-B-040-013-MY3)

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