Flash glucose monitoring (FreeStyle LibreTM system) has shown sustained significant improvement in glycaemia over several months in clinical trials and the real world. Our aim was to re-evaluate the system in a longitudinal observational study with an expanded dataset. De-identified glucose data from 30,703 users over 6 months were analysed. The population was divided into tertiles of low, medium and high risk using time in hyperglycaemia (>240 mg/dl) and time in hypoglycaemia (<70 mg/dl) during the first two weeks. Each group was further sub-divided into tertiles of lower, medium and higher scanning frequency. Comparing the first and last bi-weekly periods, individuals in high risk tertile for hyperglycaemia showed reduced time >240 mg/dl (mean±SE) from 8.2±0.1 to 6.2±0.1 h/day in higher frequency scanners (p<0.0001) and 9.4±0.1 to 7.7±0.1h/day in lower frequency scanners (p<0.0001). Higher and lower frequency scanners in high risk tertile for hypoglycaemia showed reduced time <70 mg/dl (169±2 to 127±2min; p<0.0001 and 174±2 to 125±2min; p<0.0001). Time≤54mg/dL was also reduced in higher and lower frequency scanners (70±1 to 51±1min and 82±1 to 59±1min; p<0.0001 for both). Using an expanded dataset, we have confirmed that Freestyle Libre system use in real life settings is associated with sustained improvement in time spent in hyperglycaemia, hypoglycaemia and serious hypoglycaemia.


S. Jangam: Employee; Self; Abbott Laboratories. Employee; Spouse/Partner; Abbott Laboratories. J. Lang: Employee; Self; Abbott. T. Dunn: Employee; Self; Abbott Laboratories. Y. Xu: Employee; Self; Abbott Laboratories. G. Hayter: Employee; Self; Abbott.


Abbott Diabetes Care

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