Hospitalized patients with DM are at high risk for early readmission. Improving inpatient education and discharge (DC) processes are proposed interventions for reducing this risk.

We examined the contribution of blood glucose (BG) 48 hr prior to DC (nadir, peak, STD, CV) and patient comprehension (PC) of instructions for home DM management following DC to risk for 30d readmission.

Insulin treated non-critically ill patients with DM (N=202) were recruited. Diabetes Early Readmission Risk Indicators (DERRI) were calculated for each participant, who were contacted within 48 hr of DC to complete a PC Questionnaire (PCQ).

Of 126 participants [age mean (STD) 61(12) years, BMI 32.9 (9.6) kg/m2, A1c 8.0 (2.2%), 45% women, 22% black, 85% type 2DM] who completed the PCQ, 42 (33%) required clarification of misunderstood DC instructions. PC scores were negatively correlated with BG STD (-0.17, 95% CI:-0.32,-0.02) and CV (-0.38, -0.7, -0.05).

There was no difference in median (25ile, 75ile) PC scores between patients with and without 30d readmission (79 (67, 93%) vs.83 (71,100%), p=0.19); however, there were more readmissions in those with PC scores <100% compared to scores of 100% (n = 34) (29% vs. 15%, OR=2.4, 95% CI: 0.83, 6.88).

Among all 202 participants, median DERRI scores were higher in the 25% with 30d readmission (27 (24, 30)) than those without (19 (20, 24), p = 0.002).

In summary, these results demonstrate deficiencies in the hospital DC process as demonstrated by the need for clarification of information in >30% of patients following DC. It is possible that this corrected information may have served as an intervention to reduce readmission risk. PC scores were negatively associated with glycemic variability preceding DC and scores <100% were associated with a higher risk for readmission. DERRI scores were strongly associated with risk for 30d readmissions, representing the first prospective external validation of this tool. These results support proposals to improve the DC process and post-DC follow-up of patients with DM.


D. Pinkhasova: None. J. Swami: None. N. Patel: None. A. Donihi: None. L.M. Siminerio: None. E. Karslioglu French: None. K. Delisi: None. D.S. Hlasnik: None. D.J. Rubin: Research Support; Self; AstraZeneca, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc. M.T. Korytkowski: None.


National Institutes of Health (UL1-TR-001857)

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