Authors developed an interactive map visualizing county level availability of Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support (DSMES) site or program locations. Location data were overlaid with diabetes prevalence data and socio-economic status data. Over 4200 locations were geocoded including 3471 sites (American Diabetes Association recognized) and 802 program locations (American Association of Diabetes Educators accredited). Counties were characterized as having or not having DSMES class locations. Counties were additionally characterized based on tertiles of diabetes prevalence and socio-economic disadvantage (using the Area Deprivation Index (ADI) score). This analysis showed that 48 percent of U.S. counties (1515/3142 counties and county equivalents) had a DSMES program with at least one site or program location. Approximately 39% of counties in the highest diabetes prevalence tertile (greatest diabetes burden) had DSMES programs compared to 53% in the middle tertile of diabetes prevalence and 54% in the lowest tertile of diabetes prevalence. Approximately 26% of counties in the tertile with highest ADI scores (representing greatest socio-economic disadvantage) had DSMES programs compared to 48% in the middle tertile and 69% percent in the tertile with the lowest ADI scores (least socio-economic disadvantage). This interactive map is a tool that can be used at a national level and by state and local health departments and others to prioritize establishment and expansion of programs in underserved counties with higher rates of diabetes prevalence and greater socio-economic disadvantage.


B. Jayapaul-Philip: None. S. Dai: None. E. Woghiren: None. G.E. Rutledge: None.

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