Objective: This study sought to identify gaps in diabetes care information resources for healthcare professionals (HCPs), as well as their confidence administering diabetes care.

Methods: In July 2018, a survey was delivered to 286 HCPs, including U.S. primary care physicians (PCPs), nurse practitioners (NPs), physician assistants (PAs), and certified diabetes educators (CDEs), to assess confidence in treating patients with diabetes, current use of diabetes information resources, and needs not met by existing resources. Survey respondents treated an average of at least 40 patients with diabetes per month.

Results: On average, HCPs are using 24 different resources to stay informed on developments in diabetes care. Over 60% of surveyed HCPs do not feel fully comfortable staying up to date with care guidelines and medication/technology advances, and 96% are interested in a consolidated diabetes information hub. Further, 59% of CDEs, 72% of PCPs, 84% of NPs, and 90% of PAs lack full confidence in their ability to help patients self-manage their diabetes. PAs have the lowest confidence in their ability to start every diabetes therapy and technology. Confidence among the other HCPs in initiating medications is high, though apart from CDEs, few are comfortable starting diabetes technology; only 17% of PAs, 32% of NPs, and 39% of PCPs are confident initiating CGM.

Conclusions: These results suggest that many HCPs lack confidence in their abilities to keep up with developments in diabetes and effectively help patients manage their diabetes. The availability of a consolidated diabetes information resource for HCPs has potential to enable better care delivery, improve outcomes, and reduce provider overwhelm.


J.M. McDermott: Other Relationship; Self; Various. B. Levine: Other Relationship; Self; Various. J. Lackner: None. E. Shoger: Other Relationship; Self; Abbott Laboratories, Ascensia Diabetes Care, Dexcom, Inc., Insulet Corporation, Medtronic, Sanofi, Senseonics, Tandem Diabetes Care, Valeritas, Inc. K.L. Close: Other Relationship; Self; Various diabetes companies.


The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust

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