Attendance and retention is a concern for the National Diabetes Prevention Programs (National DPP) because participants who complete more sessions benefit the most. This study identified characteristics of the National DPP participants associated with program dropout by comparing participant characteristics stratified by the number of program sessions completed (Table). From 2008 through 2016, 7,584 MT adults enrolled in the National DPP; 81% completed >=11 sessions. Enrollees with high participation rates were more likely to be older, have lower baseline BMI, self-pay to participate, and have a parental history of DM, but less likely to have a history of GDM or to deliver a baby >9lbs compared to enrollees with low participation rates. A logistic regression analysis found characteristics independently associated with early program dropout were aged 45-59 years [AOR 0.45, 95% 0.36-0.56], BMI 35+ [AOR 0.56, 95% 0.45-0.71], and having primary Medicaid/Medicare insurance [AOR 0.52, 95% 0.41-0.66]. Our findings identify participant subgroups that should be targeted to increase the National DPP participation rates in MT and provide benchmark comparison data for the National DPP programs elsewhere.
D. Carpenedo: None. S.M. Brokaw: None. S. Tysk: None. J. Fernandes: None. T.S. Harwell: None. S.D. Helgerson: None. D.M. Gohdes: None.