The Be Happy and Strong (BeHaS) program was developed to improve self-esteem and physical function in 2006. In this study, the contents of BeHaS program was revised to include empowerment strategies (named of Diabetes BeHaS program) to improve diabetes self-care. The purpose of this study was to re-develop the Diabetes BeHaS Program in older adults with type 2 diabetes and its effect on diabetes self-care, diabetes empowerment, and physical function. Participants were recruited from a public healthcare center in S-city of South Korea. A matched subject design was used to allocate the intervention (n=31) and control (n=31) groups based on age, gender and HbA1c. Demographics, and clinical factors were checked via medical record. Researchers measured physical functions (handgrip strength and shoulder flexibility), and main variables were measured using validated instruments. Χ2-test and independent t-test were performed to confirm the homogeneity and the change scores of physical functions, diabetes self-care, and diabetes empowerment. Based on the empowerment theory, the Diabetes BeHaS Program were re-developed consisting of an education [10min/session] + diabetes empowerment strategies [10min/session] + physical activities [40min/session]), which was applied once a week by a trained nurse for two months. The change scores of physical functions (both hands grip strength [p <.001], shoulder flexibilities [p <.001]), diabetes self-care (p <.001) and diabetes empowerment (p <.001) were significantly increased in intervention group when comparing to counter group. The Diabetes BeHaS Program in older adults with type 2 diabetes that focused on empowering self-care might be an effective strategy to improve the diabetes self-care and diabetes empowerment as well as physical functions.


K. Park: None. B. Ku: Research Support; Self; AstraZeneca. Speaker's Bureau; Self; AstraZeneca, Lilly Diabetes, Sanofi-Aventis. B. Kim: None. S. Jin: None. Y. Song: None.

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