Introduction: Controlling postprandial glycemia (PPG) is critical to achieve glycemic targets and has been associated with poor cardiovascular outcomes. However, few patients measure PPG and even less make changes on treatment based on these data.

Objectives: To evaluate how often patients on insulin therapy analyze PPG and modify insulin doses based on these data. As secondary objectives, we evaluate how patients discussed PPG during the visits and the predictive factors for PPG measurement.

Material and Methods: This was an anonymous on-line cross-sectional observational study of an unselected sample of diabetes patients on insulin. Data were extracted from a questionnaire available in two internet sources: Canal Diabetes and the Spanish Diabetes Foundation. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Fundación Jiménez Díaz Hospital in Madrid.

Results: Data presented as means ± (SD) or frequencies (%).

Among the predictive factors for PPG measurement and based treatment changes were diabetes type, follow-up setting (Specialized vs. Primary Care), insulin injection number and CGM use.

Conclusions: In this unselected on-line sample of insulin-treated adults, 50.7% measured their PPG, despite this was recommended by HCP and most (95%) considered PPG measurement as relevant. Therefore, improvement in diabetes education on PPG and its treatment is key to improve overall glycemic control.


C. Tejera: None. E. Lecumberri: None. A. Muñoz-Garach: Speaker's Bureau; Self; Lilly Diabetes, Novo Nordisk A/S, Sanofi-Aventis. F. Ampudia Blasco: None. F. Ampudia Blasco: None.

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