The objective of this study is to describe alcohol consumption behaviors in young adults with T1D and to examine the associations between alcohol consumption, HbA1c, and episodes of severe hypoglycemia in prior 6 months. Data from 602 SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth Study participants age ≥18 years. with T1D were collected from 12/2011 to 6/2015 (50% female, mean age 21.3(SD 2.4), 22% race/ethnic minority). Participants were characterized as alcohol non-drinkers (n=269), drinkers but non-binge drinkers (n=167), or binge drinkers (n=166) based on reported consumption in the past 30 days, using the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism definition of binge drinking (≥4 drinks females, ≥5 drinks males). Analyses were conducted using one-way ANOVAs, chi-square tests, and logistic regression modeling looking at drinking status and clinical markers. Overall, 55.3% of participants had consumed alcohol in the past 30 days; 27.6% reported binge drinking. Males consumed alcohol more frequently (7.3 days vs. 4.5 days, p<0.0001), consumed more alcohol per occasion (4.7 drinks vs. 3.0 drinks, p=0.0001), and were more likely to be binge drinkers than females (34.2% vs. 20.9%, p= 0.0003). In comparison with 18-20 year old, participants ≥21 years were more likely to have consumed alcohol in the past 30 days and more likely to be binge drinkers, but average number of drinks consumed at a time did not differ. Binge drinkers were older (OR 1.4, 95% CI = 1.2-1.6), had higher parental education (OR 2.6, 95% CI =1.4-4.9), and were more likely to be current (OR 10.5, 95% CI =5.8-19.2) or former (OR 5.8, 95% CI = 3.3-10.1) tobacco users compared to non-drinkers. After adjusting for demographic characteristics, binge drinking was not associated with HbA1c or severe hypoglycemic events relative to non-drinkers. Young adults with T1D in SEARCH report similar alcohol use but higher rates of binge drinking compared to the U.S. population. Binge drinking was not associated with poorer glycemic control or severe hypoglycemia in this cohort.


A.J. Roberts: None. J.R. Law: None. C. Suerken: None. B.A. Reboussin: None. J.M. Lawrence: None. C. Taplin: None. E. Mayer-Davis: None. C. Pihoker: None.


National Institutes of Health; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

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