Objective: Currently, emotional well-being is becoming an increasingly important aspect of diabetes care and self-management. Routine screening for depressive symptoms is indicated in high-risk populations, including people with prediabetes and diabetes. However, a limited number of studies about the relationship between prediabetes and depression have been conducted in Asians. The aim of this study was to investigate the potential synergistic relationship between prediabetes and depression.

Methods: This was a cross-sectional survey derived from the 2014 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. 9-item Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) depression-screening test was used. Depression was defined as a score ≥10 on PHQ-9. Prediabetes was defined by the presence of impaired fasting glucose or A1c between 5.7 and 6.4%.

Results: In total, 3848 subjects (1570 Men and 2278 women) aged 16 to 80 years without diabetes were studies. Among them, 1809 (47%) were prediabetes. The prevalence of depression was higher in the participants with prediabetes (4.7%) than without prediabetes (3.4%) (P<0.003). On multivariate logistic analyse, depression was significantly related with prediabetic participant with obesity (odds ratio (OR)= 3.103; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.295-7.439). However, depression was not related with prediabeteic participant wit underweight (OR =1.001; CI, 0.662-1.514).

Conclusion: This study shows the risk of depression in prediabetes with obesity. Future research is required to examine the mechanisms underlying the associations between prediabetes, mental health, and the risk of diabetes.


E. Jeon: None. S. Kim: None. J. Lee: None. H. Shon: None.

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