Background: Understanding qualities that make up trust in AID systems is imperative for successful development of systems built for long-term use. Previous research has demonstrated that trust is associated with: (a) better glycemic outcomes, (b) decreased self-management burdens, and (c) continued use of therapy.
Method: In December 2018, 5,037 individuals with diabetes responded to an online survey administered by dQ&A. We analyzed a subgroup of 386 survey participants who reported on their use of an AID system (The t:slim X2™ insulin pump with Basal-IQ® technology from Tandem Diabetes Care® = 116 ; The MiniMed 670G insulin pump system from Medtronic = 270).
Results: Hierarchical multiple regression analysis was used to ascertain the significance of ease of use (device level) and psychosocial (individual level) predictors of trust in AID systems. There were no issues with multicollinearity (all VIFs < 3). In Model 1, ease of use accounted for 45% of variance in trust, F (3,382) = 106.74, p < .001. After psychosocial predictors were added in Model 2, variance accounted for was 64%, explaining an additional 19% of unique variance in trust, F (3,379) = 65.46, p < .001.
Conclusion: These findings suggest that both ease of use and psychosocial outcomes are distinctly informative and instrumental in the development of trust in AID systems.
M.L. Manning: Employee; Self; Tandem Diabetes Care. M. McElwee-Malloy: Employee; Self; Tandem Diabetes Care. K.C. Stoner: Other Relationship; Self; Multiple companies and organizations in the diabetes field (greater than 10). S. Habif: Employee; Self; Tandem Diabetes Care.