Patients with high average of blood glucose levels (>180mg/dL) are at high risk for developing clinical complications. Digital engagement can play a pivotal role in the care of patients with diabetes, assisting to reduce their blood glucose average (BG avg) over time. The study reviews DarioTM user’s ability to sustain BG avg<140 mg/dL over time while using the DarioTM Blood Glucose Monitoring System (BGMS).
Method: A retrospective data evaluation study was performed on the DarioTM cloud database. A population of active T2D users that continuously measured for 6 months was evaluated. The study assessed their BG avg and estimated A1C (eA1C) values based on blood glucose readings as recorded in the database. Values were calculated in periods of 3 and 6 months and compared to their first 30 days as a starting point analysis.
Results: A group of 1248 Dario BGMS T2D active users (1.98 measurements per day on average during 6 months in a row) with BG avg >140mg/dL (eA1C>6.5) was evaluated. All (100%) reduced their BG avg along 6 months on average. A group of 31% (387) achieved BG avg of <140 mg/dL (eA1C<6.5) following 3 months showing 19% reduction on average from baseline (132.38±13.36 vs.162.79±25.41 mg/dL and eA1C 6.24±0.46 vs. 7.30±0.88) and sustained their glycemic control during a 6 months period (131.57±13.86 mg/dL and eA1C 6.21±0.48). Subgroup analyses of 568 non-insulin users revealed that 40% (226) achieved a BG avg <140 mg/dL following 3 months (131.95±13.21 vs.161.67±24.18 mg/dL and eA1C 6.22±0.46 vs. 7.26±0.84) and sustained for 6 months period (131.03±13.70 mg/dL and eA1C 6.19±0.47). Along the 6 months period, hypo events (<50mg/dL) per user per month on average remained stable.
Conclusion: Patients using a digital diabetes management platform have the potential to promote behavioral modification and sustain adherence to diabetes management, demonstrating better glycemic control.
Y. Hershcovitz: Employee; Self; DarioHealth. S. Dar: Employee; Self; DarioHealth. E. Feniger: Employee; Self; DarioHealth.