Aims: We studied clinical factors in association with the glucagon stimulation test and daily and day-to-day glucose variability as determined by continuous glucose monitoring (CGM).

Methods: We performed a cross-sectional analysis of type 2 diabetes (T2DM; insulin-treated, n=83; not insulin-treated, n=126) patients who underwent the glucagon stimulation test and over 72 h of continuous glucose monitoring. Correlations of clinical factors with the mean amplitude of glycemic excursions (MAGE), percentage coefficient of variation for glucose (%CV), and mean of daily differences (MODD) in CGM were analyzed.

Results: In T2DM with insulin therapy, age and HbA1c were correlated with MAGE and %CV; FPG was correlated with MAGE and MODD; and the increment of CPR (ΔCPR) was inversely correlated with MAGE, %CV, and MODD. In T2DM without insulin therapy, age, diastolic blood pressure, and triglycerides were correlated with MODD; ΔCPR was inversely correlated with %CV; HbA1c was correlated with MAGE and MODD; the use of α-glucosidase inhibitors was inversely correlated with %CV; and the use of sulfonylurea (SU) was correlated with MAGE and %CV.

Conclusions: Insulin secretion is related to glucose variability in insulin-treated T2DM. Poor glycemic control greatly contributes to glucose variability in T2DM. SU administration increases the daily glucose variability in T2DM without insulin therapy.


M. Ohara: None. H. Nagaike: None. S. Goto: Research Support; Spouse/Partner; DENKA SEIKEN CO., LTD. H. Kushima: None. M. Hiromura: None. T. Yamamoto: None. Y. Mori: None. T. Fukui: None. T. Hirano: None.

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