Background: Late-meal blousing increases the risk of hyperglycemia following a meal using meter blood glucose data. We used data from the Donors to the Tidepool Big Data Donation project to evaluate real-life bolusing and glycemic excursions using continuous glucose monitoring (CGM).

Methods: We analyzed 214,087 meal boluses from 120 subjects, mean age 22 years (range 3-66), average CGM glucose 155mg/dL (range 103-239 mg/dL). We screened for meals meeting the following criteria: carbs of ≥20g, premeal glucose between 70 and 200mg/dL, no glucose <70mg/dL in the hour prior to bolus, no other insulin bolus 2 hours prior and 4 hours post bolus, 95% of CGM readings available 30 min before and 4 hour after the meal bolus. A pre-meal bolus was defined by the glucose rising <0.4mg/dL/min and a late meal boluses by a glucose rise of ≥1mg/dL/min in the 20 minutes prior to the bolus.

Results: The post meal bolus had significantly higher CGM glucose levels at the time of bolus (p<0.001), and a significantly higher post prandial peak glucose (p<0.001). There was no statistical difference in the average amount of meal carbs for the two groups.

Conclusions: Using integrated pump and CGM data from a large data base, late meal bolusing occurred with 12% of selected meal boluses and was associated with higher CGM values at the time of bolus, and higher peak post prandial CGM values.


L.M. Norlander: None. E.T. Nykaza: None. B. Arbiter: Employee; Self; Tidepool Project. Stock/Shareholder; Self; Abbott Laboratories, Dexcom, Inc. B.A. Buckingham: Advisory Panel; Self; ConvaTec Inc., Novo Nordisk Inc., Profusa, Inc. Consultant; Self; Medtronic MiniMed, Inc. Research Support; Self; Beta Bionics, ConvaTec Inc., Dexcom, Inc., Insulet Corporation, Medtronic MiniMed, Inc., Tandem Diabetes Care. Other Relationship; Self; Insulet Corporation, Tandem Diabetes Care. R. Lal: Consultant; Self; Abbott.

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