Aim: To compare sensor accuracy (Medtronic Enlite2®) after a subcutaneous (s.c) injection of low-dose glucagon near vs. remote from sensor site.

Methods: Twelve adults with type 1 diabetes wore two continuous glucose monitors (CGMglucagon and CGMctrl) placed on each side of the abdomen during two overnight in-clinic visits. CGM values were compared with YSI values. Four hours prior to visit end, a s.c 100 µg glucagon injection was administered 0.2 cm next to the CGMglucagon, and 2 hours later another bolus was injected next to the same sensor. Afterwards, CGM performance was compared with 3-day self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) in free-living conditions.

Results: Using YSI as comparator, the overall median absolute relative difference (MARD) for CGMglucagon (N=772) was 17.9% and 14.7% for CGMctrl (N=1352), p=0.15. The percentage of values in zone A+B of Clarke Error Grid Analysis was 96.9% for YSI-CGMglucagon and 97.0% for YSI-CGMctrl, p=0.98. With respect to SMBG, the MARD for CGMglucagon (N=319) was 19.3% and 13.8% for CGMctrl (N=464), p=0.02. The percentage of values in zone A+B for SMBG-CGMglucagon was 94.7% compared to 97.2% for SMBG-CGMctrl, p=0.77. The precision absolute relative deviation between sensors was 16.0%.

Conclusion: The study indicates that sensor accuracy may be affected by s.c. glucagon injections near to sensor site compared with distant injections. However, the effect may not be of clinical relevance.

C. Laugesen: None. S. Schmidt: Speaker's Bureau; Self; Novo Nordisk A/S. R. Tetzschner: None. K. Nørgaard: Advisory Panel; Self; Abbott, Medtronic, Novo Nordisk A/S. Speaker's Bureau; Self; Bayer US, Medtronic, Roche Diabetes Care, Rubin Medical, Sanofi, Zealand Pharma A/S. Stock/Shareholder; Self; Novo Nordisk A/S. A. Ranjan: None.


Danish Diabetes Academy

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