Objective: Self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) is an important method of glucose control in diabetic patients. The result of blood glucose meters are influenced by temperature, oxygen concentration, low atmospheric pressure or dry factors related to altitude. In this study, we aimed to evaluating the precision and accuracy of seven SMBG meters commonly used in plain market of China.

Methods: A total of 97 medical examinations living in NaQu distract (at altitude 3900m) were included in this study. We received 91 venous blood samples including seven glucose levels and 5 Venous blood samples including five glucose levels to analyze accuracy and precision respectively based on ISO15197:2013. Every sample was measured in duplicate by two meters of each brand of SMBG meter. Plasma separated to blood cells in 5 minutes and used for laboratory reference measurement in 30 minutes after obtain results by SMBG meters.

Results: Accuracy criteria were set at a bias<15% from reference glucose (when >5.6mmol/L)and<0.83 mmol/L from reference glucose(when<5.6mmol/L).There was only one brand SMBG meter consistent with standard of ISO. But the percentages of readings within Consensus Error Grid zone A and B of seven brand meters were all over 95% (98.9%∼100%). The precision of the result demonstrated that standard deviation for glucose concentration ≥5.6 mmol/L of seven brand meters were all less than 0.42 mmol/L. And coefficient of variation (CV) for glucose concentration <5.6 mmol/L were all less than 7.5%.

Conclusion: Altitude environment influenced the performance seriously of SMBG meters especially for accuracy. So choosing glucose meter brand should be cautious at high altitude.

Tab 1 Precision results of 7 brand glucose meters.


S. Zengmei: None. W. Yunhong: None. W. Suyuan: None. Z. Yanfang: None. Y. Jing: None. X. Rong: None. Y. Yan: None. Y. Xuanyu: None. Z. Huiqin: None.

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