Objective: The aim was to investigate the glucose profiles and compare the degree of glycemic variability between kidney and liver transplantation patients during the early postoperative period.

Methods: The continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) data of 31 patients including 24 with kidney transplantation (KT) and seven with liver transplantation (LT) were analyzed.

Results: Post-transplantation diabetes mellitus (PTDM) occurred in 42.1% (8/19) and 16.7% (1/6) of KT and LT patients, respectively, during this early period after transplantation, except for patients with preexisting diabetes (5 KT, 1 LT). Glycemic variability after LT was better than that in KT patients. The average mean amplitude of glycemic excursion (MAGE) and mean absolute glucose (MAG) levels were 91.18±26.51 vs. 65.66±22.55 (P<0.05), 24.62±7.78 vs. 18.18±7.07 (P<0.05) in KT vs.LT patients, respectively, in patients without preexisting DM or PTDM patients (Fig. 1).

Conclusion: The transplanted organ is also an important factor affecting glucose control and the occurrence of PTDM in patients who receive transplantation. Further studies involving CGM follow-up at regular intervals in PTDM or preexisting diabetic patients after KT or LT may clarify the role of transplanted organs in glucose control in recipients of organ transplants.

H. Jin: None. Y. Kim: None. K. Lee: None. T. Park: None.

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