The American Diabetes Association (ADA) has retracted the above-cited meeting abstract, which was presented at ADA’s June 2019 Scientific Sessions. The abstract contains a significant amount of information that appears to have been previously presented at the International Liver Congress in April 2019.
The April 2019 abstract is:
Anna Mrzljak, Davorka Dušek, Kristina Blaslov, Snjezana Židovec Lepej, Ivana Grgić, Lana Gorenec, Iva Košuta, Adriana Vince. FRI-244-Platelet-derived growth factor alpha might mediate hepatic fibrosis by enhancing insulin resistance in patients with hepatitis C. J Hepatol 2019;70(Suppl.):e501.
The two abstracts share a substantial amount of identical text in the background and conclusions, a description of identical subjects and methods (excluding the control group of healthy subjects), and identical results. This is in violation of ADA’s policies regarding the originality of work presented at its annual Scientific Sessions.