COVID-19 and Diabetes: Resource Webpage
The American Diabetes Association is dedicated to ensuring that you stay informed of the latest COVID-19 research and guidelines. Our new online page for diabetes professionals includes essential resources and information—including webinars, patient guidance, relevant news articles, a discussion forum, and more. Follow updates and join the conversation at
Special Podcast Series: COVID-19 & Diabetes
In this special podcast series, Drs. Neil Skolnik and John J. Russell of Abington Jefferson Health are joined by the leading experts in diabetes treatment and care to discuss the latest information and recommendations for treating diabetes during the COVID-19 pandemic. The episodes feature a wide range of topics, such as planning sick days, inpatient management, telehealth, self-care, and more. To listen to the ongoing series, visit
IDF Diabetes Complications Congress 2020
The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) Diabetes Complications Congress 2020 will take place in Lisbon, Portugal, on 3-5 December 2020. This is the second in a new IDF series of live educational events focused on tackling the issues around complications associated with diabetes. For details about the program and registration, visit
Education Recognition Program
The American Diabetes Association’s Education Recognition Program (ERP) provides registered diabetes education programs and services with a variety of benefits, as well as access to educational materials, resources, and marketing opportunities. For more information on requirements, benefits, and instructions on how to apply, visit
Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes—2020
American Diabetes Association “Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes” is based on a complete review of the relevant literature by a diverse group of highly trained clinicians and researchers. After weighing the quality of evidence, from rigorous double-blind clinical trials to expert opinion, recommendations are drafted, reviewed, and submitted for approval to the American Diabetes Association Executive Committee. To see the 2020 Standards, please visit
Diabetes Standards of Care 2020 Highlights Webcast
Join ADA's Chair of the Professional Practice Committee, Joshua J. Neumiller, PharmD, CDE, FASCP, for a presentation on the key updates and highlights from the Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes—2020. To access the webcast, please visit
Diabetes Care Online Collections
Diabetes Care periodically publishes special article collections related to a specific topic, study, or aspect of diabetes care, prevention, and treatment. These collections appear in the print and online editions of Diabetes Care. Learn more about previously published collections at