Background: The transition from adolescence to young adulthood can be challenging for young people with type 1 diabetes. During this period many young people become disengaged from their health care and can experience increases in adverse diabetes events and diabetes distress.

Study Aim: To deliver a novel psychoeducational programme called Youth Empowerment Skills (YES), using simulation based experiential learning and peer learning to increase diabetes knowledge and social confidence in young people with type 1 diabetes.

Method: The YES programme was delivered in community settings with a youth worker supporting engagement. HbA1c and admission data were collected 12-months pre and post intervention. Follow-up qualitative questionnaires and semi-structured interviews were conducted 6 weeks post-intervention to elicit participant views of the programme. The study was conducted in a South London boroughs with high levels of socioeconomic disadvantage and ethnic diversity.

Results: Data were collected from all participants (n=41), mean age 17.3±2.3 years. Mean HbA1c 12 month prior to attending the programme was (DDCT%) 10.4%±4.8%. There was a reduction of mean HbA1c at 12-months post-intervention to 9.7%± 4.6%m (Δ 0.7%) (p< 0.01). DKA admissions reduced by 55.6% (n=15) over the 12 month follow-up; saving £78,000 in admission avoidance. The programme successfully engaged young people from ethnic minorities (53%) and with high social deprivation (65%). Qualitative data showed perceived improvements in clinical knowledge and psychosocial health. Feedback highlighted active learning sessions and peer support as strengths of the programme.

Conclusion: The study showed that the YES programme was beneficial in improving glycaemic control and reducing diabetes related admissions in adolescents with type 1 diabetes; and encouraged a more positive and accepting attitude towards living with diabetes.


D. Kariyawasam: None. K.A. Saqi: None. F. Dehzad: None. S. Pender: None. M. Jones: None. N. Yemane: None. R.H. Griffiths: None. T. Soukup: None. S.M. Singham: None. A. Forbes: None.

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