Little is known about SGLT2i use in T1D outside a clinical trial setting. This cross-sectional analyses compares characteristics among T1DX registry participants using SGLT2i off-label compared with those not using SGLT2i and assess glycemic outcomes pre-post SGLT2i initiation. The analysis cohort included 204 SGLT2i users and 7124 non-users (n=7,328) in the T1DX registry aged ≥18 yrs with T1D for ≥1 yr. Demographic and clinical characteristics were compared between SGLT2i users and non-users. To assess the effect of SGLT2i use on glycemic outcomes, A1c pre and post-SGLTi initiation was compared. Of 7,328 participants analyzed, 2.8% reported using SGLT2i. Use of canagliflozin, dapagliflozin, and empagliflozin was reported by 50%, 27%, and 27% of SLGT2i users. SGLT2i use was associated with older age, longer T1D duration, higher BMI, and higher socioeconomic status. Glycemic outcomes for the cross-sectional comparison are shown in the Table. There was little difference in mean A1c pre- and post-SGLT2i initiation (8.1±1.0% vs. 8.0±1.1%, P=0.25), but % with A1c <7% nearly doubled (10% vs. 18%, P=0.02). Less than 3% of adults in the T1DX reported SGLT2i use and glycemic benefits were unclear. SGLT2i users reported similar incidence of DKA to non-users, but higher SH rates. While observational data must be interpreted with caution, these findings suggest a need for prospective evaluation of SGLT2i use in T1D.


M.S. Hughes: None. R. Bailey: None. P. Calhoun: Stock/Shareholder; Self; Dexcom, Inc. S. Lyons: Other Relationship; Self; Springer Publishing Company. D. DeSalvo: Consultant; Self; Dexcom, Inc., Insulet Corporation. V.N. Shah: Research Support; Self; Dexcom, Inc., JDRF, Mylan, Novo Nordisk A/S, Sanofi, vTv Therapeutics. Other Relationship; Self; Dexcom, Inc., Sanofi US.


The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust (G-2016PG-T1D053)

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