Purpose: To provide a new system of in-hospital blood glucose team management combining with network blood glucose monitoring system, and analyze the effect on hyperglycemic patients’ blood glucose control lived in non-critical care units.

Methods: Hyperglycemic patients admitted to non-critical care units were divided into two groups. They were intervened actively by the hospital’s blood glucose management team and routine consultation group, respectively. A better method with shorter hospital stay and inpatient diabetes cost could be selected by comparing the two blood glucose management methods.

Results: Compared to routine consultation group, the team management group had higher detection rate of hyperglycemia (18.49% vs16.17%, P<0.01) and glycosylated hemoglobin (51.53% vs. 30.97%, P<0.01), lower incidence rate of hyperglycemia (59.24% vs. 61.59%, P<0.01), severe hyperglycemia (3.56% vs. 5.19%, P<0.01) and clinically significant hypoglycemia (0.26% vs. 0.35%, P<0.05). Simultaneously, blood glucose drift (mmol/L) (2.50 (1.83, 3.25) vs. 2.76 (2.01, 3.57), P<0.01), blood glucose coefficient of variation (%) (28.86 (22.70, 34.83) vs. 29.80 (23.47, 36.13), P<0.01), maximum blood glucose fluctuation (mmol/L) (9.30 (6.20, 13.10) vs. 10.10 (7.00, 14.40), P<0.01), nosocomial infection (5.42% vs. 8.05%, P<0.05), hospitalization days (7 (3, 12) vs. 8 (4, 14), P < 0.01) and hospitalization expenses (10,000 yuan) (1.62 (1.01, 3.35) vs. 1.89 (1.29, 4.47), P < 0.01) of patients were managed by team management group all decreased.

Conclusion: In-hospital blood glucose team management combined network blood glucose monitoring system effectively improved the blood glucose control and fluctuation level of patients, who admitted to non-critical care units, thereby reducing hospital stay and inpatient hyperglycemia cost.


Y. Zhu: None. M. Yang: None. H. Zhou: None. W. Xia: None. P. Li: None. Y. Yang: None.

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