The purpose of this study was to evaluate the changes in physical performance under new treatment with SGLT2 inhibitors during in-patient rehabilitation over 28 days.

The study included 200 patients with type II diabetes mellitus which were divided in 2 groups of 100 patients: the first group was put under SGLT2 inhibitors and the second group had other diabetic regimen without SGLT2 inhibitors. The 6-minute walk test and the modified Borg scale (Range 0 - 10) were used to assess physical performance and the rate of dyspnea.

Compared to baseline, the change in the mean distance covered in the 6 minute walk test at 14 days in the SGLT2-inhibitor group was +70.1 ± 60.9 m vs. + 55.7 ± 64.8 m in the non SGLT2 inhibitor group; p=0.16. At 28 days, change in the first group was +104.5 ± 76.7 m vs. + 80.8 ± 82.9 m in the second group; p=0.03 (Figure 1) The mean modified BORG scale in the first group at baseline was 5.2 ± 2.3 and declined to 4.8 ± 2.1 at 14 days and further declined to 4.2 ± 2.4 at 28 days; p=0.007, whereas in the second group the BORG scale at baseline was 4.4 ± 2.4 and changed to 4.8 ± 2.2 at 14 days and remained unchanged at 4.8 ± 2.4 at 28 days; p=0.23

In conclusion, the introduction of an SGLT2-inhibitor was associated with a measurable improvement in physical performance and concomitant decline in the rate of perceived exertion within the first month despite having inadequate glycemic control at baseline.


M. Dumartin: None. D.S. Frundi: None.

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