Background: As the prevalence of diabetes is increasing worldwide, our aim is to assess the recent cardiovascular and economic trend in outcomes of patients with stroke and diabetes in the U.S.

Methods: Data from the National Inpatient Sample was analyzed between 2005 to 2014. We studied: In-hospital mortality, length of stay (LoS) and overall hospital charges in patients hospitalized for stroke, >18 years of age and known to have diabetes.

Results: The prevalence of diabetes gradually increased from 28.2% to 35.5% in all patients hospitalized for stroke (p trend<0.001) between 2005 and 2014. In those patients with diabetes, mean (SD) age slightly decreased from 70 (13) years to 69 (13) years (p trend <0.001). Interestingly, hospitalization for stroke increased from 17.4 to 20.0/100 000 U.S. adults (p trend <0.001). However, in-hospital age-adjusted mortality decreased from 4.64% to 3.73% (p trend <0.001). Age-adjusted mortality of hemorrhagic strokes - which represent only a small proportion of all strokes- decreased from 28.1% to 23.1%, that of ischemic strokes decreased from 3.23% to 2.48% (p trend <0.01 for both) whereas that of TIA was almost stable and lower than 0.2%. As expected, total charges of hospital stay almost doubled as they went up from 15,970 to 31,018 USD/stay (adjusted for inflation). Nevertheless, median (IQR) LoS slightly decreased from 4 (2-6) to 3 (2-6) days (p trend <0.05).

Conclusion: Our preliminary data show that the prevalence of diabetes in patients hospitalized for stroke is gradually increasing. Moreover, hospitalization for stroke is also increasing. Nevertheless, in-hospital mortality is on a descending slope, which comes at a price of an almost 2-fold increase in hospital charges from 2005 to 2014.


A. Tabbalat: None. S.R. Dargham: None. M.B. Elshazly: Stock/Shareholder; Self; Ember Medical. C. Abi Khalil: None.

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