Introduction: Youths with type 1 diabetes (T1D) are at significant risk for diabetes burnout and distress, as well as depressive symptoms. These social-emotional vulnerabilities have been linked with suboptimal child health outcomes. TEEN POWER® is a 10-week curriculum-based group intervention for youths with T1D and their family. This intervention was developed to reduce psychosocial barriers that negatively impact T1D management.

Objective: To examine whether this group intervention had beneficial implications for the empowerment and mood of youths with T1D.

Methods: Ninety youths with T1D completed the Children’s Hope Scale, a 6-item questionnaire focused on self-efficacy at the beginning and end of this group intervention. Higher scores corresponded with greater levels of self-efficacy or the belief that one has the capacity and motivation to achieve one’s goals. Answers are rated on a Likert-scale from 1 (none of the time) to 6 (all of the time). Scores at the beginning and end of the group intervention were compared using paired t-tests. Bivariate correlations between self-efficacy scores and depression ratings on the CDI and PHQ at the end of intervention were also examined.

Results: Youths’ self-efficacy scores at the end of intervention (mean=25.13) were significantly higher than at the beginning of the intervention (mean=23.84) (t(69)=-2.191, p=0032). At the end of intervention, self-efficacy scores were associated with lower depression ratings based on both the CDI (ρ=-.375, p<0.0001) and the PHQ (ρ=-.599, p<0.001).

Conclusions: This analysis included data obtained for youths with T1D who participated in a 10-week curriculum-based group intervention. The data suggest that this intervention is associated with an increase in self-efficacy and improved self-efficacy is associated with reduced depressive symptoms. TEEN POWER® may be indicated for youths with T1D who report low levels of self-efficacy such as youths who may be experiencing diabetes burnout and distress.


C.E. Munoz: Board Member; Self; American Diabetes Association. O. Hsin: None. S.H. Gamez: None. J. Raymond: None. L.K. Fisher: None.


HumanGood Foundation/Beatson-ABHOW Type 1 Diabetes Fund; Sugar Ray Leonard Foundation; George & Marcia Good Family Foundation

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