There is an increased risk of complications among “high risk” patients (having elevated HbA1c scores). Social, racial, and economic factors contribute to the difficulty in reducing HbA1c. The T1DX-QI is a type 1 diabetes learning health system with over 10 endocrinology centers working collaboratively on the goal of improving outcomes for people with type 1 diabetes. The program is coordinated by the T1D Exchange in Boston, MA.
“High-risk” patients are defined as having two clinic visits in the preceding 12 months and two HbA1cs above 9%. Centers shared data monthly with the coordinating office which used statistical process control charts to evaluate the effectiveness of the interventions. (Figure 1).
This abstract describes how 10 centers used QI principles and interventions to reduce the proportion of high-risk patients. Successful efforts include: utilizing a patient navigator, workflow redesign, developing insulin pump and CGM education classes, depression screening, and addressing social determinants of health.
The Collaborative set a goal to decrease percentage of high risk patients by 5% from baseline and made a significant 3% improvement; data is projected to meet goal by June 2020. Six of 10 centers met the goal, impacting over 200 patients. Continued efforts are needed to expand interventions to additional sites to reduce the number of high-risk patients.
N. Rioles: None. C. Bunker: None. M.A. Clements: Consultant; Self; Glooko, Inc. Other Relationship; Self; Glooko, Inc. K. Gallagher: None. A. Garrity: None. N. Jones: None. M.K. Kamboj: Research Support; Self; Type 1 Diabetes TrialNet, Unitio, Inc. S. Majidi: Advisory Panel; Self; Companion Medical. P. Prahalad: None. R.Y. Sonabend: None. K. Thivener: None. O. Ebekozien: None.
The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust