Introduction: Erectile dysfunction (ED) is an important complication of diabetes which is under-reported with well known association with CAD. ED is also considered as one of the earliest markers of endothelial dysfunction.

Material and Method: 458 sexually active males of age >18 Years, with diabetes were enrolled. The English and Hindi (regional language) translated version of The International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF) Questionnaire was used. Subjects were to respond to IIEF based on their subjective feeling related to ED, Orgasmic function, Sexual desire, Intercourse satisfaction and overall satisfaction in past 4 weeks. Study was conducted from August 2018 to April 2019 at 11 centers of a large metropolitan city, Lucknow in North India after ethics committee approval.

Result: Mean age of the patients was 47.64 years (±9.59), weight 74.6 Kg (± 13.2) BMI 26.8 Kg/M2 (±3.97) and abdominal circumference 97.06cm (±10.79). The prevalence of ED and Orgasmic function defect (OFD) was found to be 32% and 43.8% respectively.27.8% had both and 48.4% either ED or OFD. ED was found to be significantly associated with age (p=0.0006), duration of diabetes (p=0.0101), age of onset of diabetes (p=0.0096), macrovascular complications (p=0.0032), serum creatinine (p=0.0141) and use of beta blocker (p=0.032). ED was not significantly associated with hypertension (p=0.091), hypoglycaemia (p=0.2066), HbA1c (p=0.305), statin (p=0.2044), mean platelet volume (p=0.5822) and microvascular complications of diabetes (p=0.0865).

Conclusion: ED was present in nearly one third subjects with diabetes. Nearly half subjects have ED/OFD. Patients with longer duration of diabetes, higher age and with macrovascular complications should proactively be asked about their sexual function and an objective assessment should be done with IIEF questionnaire to unearth this complication. These subjects should be considered for other macrovascular complication screening.


M. Gupta: None. K. Chandra: None. A. Pande: None. R. Awasthi: None. A. Tewari: None. V. Agarwal: None. D. Kumar: None. N.R. Gupta: None. S.K. Chaubey: None. S. Chowdhary: None. M.S. Ansari: None.

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