Nutrition is important for individuals with diabetes (DM), as healthful eating patterns may help to attain individual glycemic, blood pressure (BP), and lipid goals (ABC goals) and to delay or prevent complications. Using data from 2,805 non-pregnant adults aged ≥20 years with self-reported diagnosed DM and complete data on diet (one day of 24-hour recall), A1c, BP, and non-HDL cholesterol in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys 2007-2016, we examined associations between five American Diabetes Association-recommended eating patterns and meeting ABC goals. Adjusting for age, sex, race/ethnicity and daily calorie intake, we used logistic regression to calculate the proportion of individuals meeting ABC goals (defined as A1c<8%, BP <140/90 mmHg, non-HDL cholesterol <130 mg/dL, and meeting all three), as well as prevalence ratios, by adherence to each eating pattern. Overall, following a Mediterranean-style diet or a low-fat diet was significantly associated with meeting A1c. Following a vegetarian diet was significantly associated with meeting BP goal. Following a Mediterranean-style diet was also significantly associated with meeting all ABC goals. These results suggest that improved nutrition among adults with DM may help with meeting treatment goals, and that overall healthy eating patterns may be as important for meeting goals than diets that focus on a single macronutrient.


K.R. Siegel: None. K.M. Bullard: None. S. Saydah: None. C. Mercado: None. M.K. Ali: Research Support; Self; Merck & Co., Inc. A.L. Albright: None. G. Imperatore: None.

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