Some patients with type 2 diabetes (T2DM) and/or pancreatogenous diabetes have exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI). The impact of pancreatic enzyme replacement (PER) on diabetes (DM) control is largely undocumented and unknown. We present 4 cases suggesting PER may positively impact DM glycemic and lipids. Case 1 is a 46 yr Caucasian (C) man with T2DM and recurrent gall stone pancreatitis. Prior to onset his HBA1c was between 6.3-7.4 but with recurrent episodes reached peak of 10.8. He was diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis with EPI and commenced PER. After 3 mths on PER his HBA1c was 6.7 with resolution of hypertriglyceridemia (HTG) and improved total cholesterol (TC). Case 2 is a 57 yr old C man with T2DM and episodic HTG related pancreatitis. He had erratic medication access due to insurance limitations. He was recently diagnosed with EPI but initially could not afford PER. HBA1c at diagnosis of EPI was 9.7 with elevated TC and HTG. When he secured PER, within 8 wks of use HBA1c reduced to 7.6 with improved HTG and TC. Case 3 is a 24 yr old C man with known cystic fibrosis and cystic fibrosis related DM. Initial HBA1c was 8.6 and he had been of PER voluntarily for yrs. He had features of EPI and was urged to resume PER which he did. At 4 mth follow up after restarting PER his HBA1c was 6.4 with improvement in HTG. Case 4 is a 36 yr old C man with prior well controlled T2DM and known MEN-1. His prior mean HBA1c was 6.7. Due to recurrent bouts of severe hypoglycemia in the prior 2 yrs work up revealed multiple pancreatic insulinomas for which he had partial pancreatectomy. His DM control declined with peak HBA1c of 11.3. He developed symptoms of EPI and was commenced on PER. 3mths after starting PER his HBA1c was 7.1 with resolution of HTG and improved TC. Early recognition of EPI in patients with DM is important. Commencement of PER in such patients may positively impact glycemia and dyslipidemia especially HTG. Further study of the relationship of PER to DM metabolic control is warranted.


G.I. Uwaifo: None.

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