Background: The prevalence of hypogonadism is particularly high in men with obesity and T2DM.

Methods: Of 356 men with hypogonadism and T2DM, 288 (80.9%) were obese, 61 (17.1%) overweight and 7 (2.0%) had normal weight. 178 received TU 1000 mg/12 weeks (T-group) following an initial 6-week interval, 178 opted against treatment (CTRL). Changes over time between groups were compared and adjusted for age, weight, WC, fasting glucose, blood pressure, lipids and quality of life to account for baseline differences between groups.

Results: Mean baseline age: 62.6±5.2 years, mean follow-up: 8.2. T-group: weight decreased by 22.1±0.5 kg at 11 years. CTRL: weight increased by 6.8±0.5. Estimated adjusted difference between groups: 28.9 kg (p<0.0001 for all). T-group: WC decreased by 13.3±0.4 cm. CTRL: WC increased by 7.1±0.4 cm. Difference between groups: 20.4 cm (p<0.0001 for all). T-group: BMI decreased by 7.3±0.2 kg/m². CTRL: BMI increased by 2.2±0.2 kg/m². Difference between groups: 9.5 kg/m² (p<0.0001 for all). There was a weight loss of 19.3±0.4% in the T-group and weight gain of 7.4±0.4% in CTRL, difference between groups: 26.7% (p<0.0001 for all). Waist:height ratio decreased by 0.08±0.00 in the T-group and increased by 0.04±0.00 in CTRL, difference between groups: 0.12 (p<0.0001 for all). Visceral adiposity index (VAI) decreased by 3.0±0.2 in the T-group and increased by 3.2±0.2 in CTRL, difference between groups: 6.2 (p<0.0001 for all). Since injections were administered in the office and documented, there was a 100% adherence to testosterone therapy.

Conclusions: Treatment with testosterone undecanoate injections results in profound weight loss that is maintained long-term with continued testosterone therapy.


A. Haider: None. K.S. Haider: None. F. Saad: Consultant; Self; Bayer AG. Stock/Shareholder; Self; AbbVie Inc., Bayer AG.


Bayer AG

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