The health effects of weight loss in older individuals with diabetes is unclear, perhaps related to intentionality of the weight loss. Look AHEAD (LA) is a randomized trial comparing intensive lifestyle intervention for intentional weight loss with diabetes support and education (control) in 5145 individuals (age 45-76 at baseline) with overweight/obesity and type 2 diabetes. We examined the association of weight change trajectories post-intervention (i.e., yrs 8 to 16; M± SD percent weight change= -3.10% ±10.1), and concurrent risk of mortality by comparing weight gainers (N=226), maintainers (N=1459), modest losers (N=2206), and steep losers (N=415). Both weight loss groups were older, more likely to be in DSE, and lost less weight in yrs 1-8. In Cox proportional hazards regression models, adjusted for sex, race, baseline obesity, age, and treatment, mortality risk among the 4 weight change categories differed significantly (p<0.0001). Relative to maintainers, the hazard ratio for death was non-significantly lower in gainers (HR= .58, 95%CI 0.30,1.11) but significantly higher in modest losers (HR=1.49, 95%CI 1.20,1.36) and steep losers (HR=1.87, 95%CI 1.39,2.53). Adjusting for weight change baseline to year 8 did not alter the associations. Subsequent analyses examined the difference in the hazard ratios for death in those who reported having lost >10 lb over 2 most recent 6-month assessments intentionally, unintentionally, or through the combination (intentional + unintentional), relative to maintainers (no weight loss>10 lb). Adjusted analyses showed that the HR for mortality was significantly greater in both the unintentional (HR=3.26, 95%CI 2.35,5.01) and the combination (HR=2.63, 95%CI 1.28,5.39), but not different in the intentional weight loss group (HR=1.05, 95%CI 0.61,1.81) relative to maintainers. These data suggest that unintentional weight loss is associated with increased risk of mortality in older individuals with diabetes.
R.R. Wing: None. J. Clark: None. M. Espeland: Other Relationship; Self; Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH, Ironwood Pharmaceuticals. J.O. Hill: Stock/Shareholder; Self; Gelesis, Shakabuku LLC. R.W. Jeffery: None. K.C. Johnson: None. W.C. Knowler: None. R.H. Neiberg: None. K. Olson: None. H.O. Steinberg: None. H. Wyatt: Research Support; Self; National Cattleman’s Association, Novo Nordisk Inc. Stock/Shareholder; Self; Shakabuku LLC. Other Relationship; Self; FoodMinds.
National Institutes of Health