A translational discrepancy exists between animal models used for diabetes research and diabetes in man, thus human relevant models must become a priority. We showed that collectively human islet grafts from 26 donors statistically significantly adapted their function and endocrine and β-cell mass to HFD (high fat diet) in vivo in 233 RAG2KO mice. Human islet compensation occurs at 6 weeks and metabolic dysfunction upon chronic ≥10 weeks HFD. Herein, gene expression studies (GeneChip® Human Gene 2.0 ST Arrays) identified molecular pathways involved. Indeed, human islets compensate to HFD by upregulating hormones, transcription factors, antioxidants, and unfolded protein response genes, and then become dysfunctional at 10 wks -by downregulating these genes. Herein we show Krebs cycle and Mitochondrial electron transport chain was targeted with a transient increase at 6wk and then a drop-in expression at 10 wks; whereas uncouplinggene expression UCP2 and 3 increased. Glycolysis remained upregulated. Explanations for expanded islet and beta mass in HFD (vs. CTL) may be found in cell cycle heatmap. Lastly, a marker of activated stellate cells TAGLN, and matrix genes rose during islet dysfunction (fibrosis?).
Conclusion: This human-based model system progressively depicts defects identified in human pre and T2DM that could serve as a “phase 0” in vivo model to test new targets and develop effective therapies in man.
J.A. Kerr-Conte: None. J. Thevenet: None. G. Pasquetti: None. P. Petit: None. C. Clabaut: None. V. Gmyr: None. C. Bonner: None. S. Gargani: None. F. Pattou: None.
JDRF; Programme d’investissements d’avenir; LabEx; European Genomic Institute for Diabetes (ANR-10-LABX-46)