Introduction: New diabetes technology and software require substantial training and understanding by healthcare providers in order to effectively make treatment decisions and manage patients. This study uncovers healthcare providers’ learning preferences, experiences, and barriers in the field of diabetes technology education and training.
Methods: This mixed methods study utilized an anonymous survey using Lickert scales and/or completing open ended questions. Quantitative data from this study was analyzed on survey monkey and open ended questions were tagged independently. The sample included 118 multidisciplinary healthcare providers who treat patients with T1 and T2 diabetes and come from more than 18 different U.S. states and diverse practice settings.
Results: Participants reported the most typical education format received for diabetes technology was clinical trials followed by training by industry representatives. The majority of participants expressed lack of confidence in being trained by industry representatives and many shared negative feelings and concerns when receiving training. Perceptions and preferences in training methods as well as significant barriers to learning will be discussed in the presentation. Results showed that participants’ effective learning affects their prescribing habits and practices. Key themes around perceptions of patient education and ability to self-manage will also be discussed.
Conclusion: Diabetes technology education is critical for better patient care and outcomes. Our study has unveiled many barriers to ensuring this transfer of knowledge is done seamlessly, effectively, efficiently and without bias. There was a clear disconnect between provider’s typical methods of learning about diabetes technology, their preferred methods and what they perceived as most effective. The concept of patient empowerment and indications of initiating technology in patients with diabetes is in need of further investigation.
J. LeBlanc: Consultant; Self; Insulet Corporation. Employee; Spouse/Partner; Insulet Corporation. N. El Sayed: None.