One in 3 adults in the U.S. has prediabetes and 90 percent don’t even know they have it. If left untreated or treated with usual care, many will go on to develop type 2 diabetes. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) was created in 2010 to address the increasing burden of prediabetes and type 2 diabetes in the United States. Despite the demonstrated effectiveness of an intensive lifestyle invention program, there are still millions of undiagnosed and untreated individuals with prediabetes. Identification of prediabetes and referral of eligible adults to a lifestyle change program is recommended in both the ADA and USPSTF clinical guidelines and standards of care. However, only a minority of clinicians are systematically addressing prediabetes in their patient population or referring their patients to a lifestyle change program. Although existing research has evaluated the uptake of clinical guidelines regarding diabetes prevention and the availability of coverage for lifestyle change programs, there is a gap in collecting and sharing best practices for building a diabetes prevention strategy that includes the CDC’s National DPP lifestyle change program. The AMA convened a diverse group of leading health care organizations that were successful in establishing system-based strategies. This session will describe a best practice implementation framework for health systems to consider when establishing or expanding a diabetes prevention strategy and engaging with clinical champions to improve identification and treatment of patients with prediabetes.


J. Williams: None. N. Sachdev: None. T. Moin: None. O. Duru: None.

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