Objectives: To explore the incidence of diabetes under different indicator and interaction between metabolic index and liver enzyme index for diabetes mellitus.

Methods: This study based on the Jinchang cohort, which is a prospective cohort included 48,001 subjects at baseline. To compare the incidence of diabetes under different metabolic indexes and liver enzyme indexes; Cox proportional hazard model was used to analysis the risk of diabetes with different metabolic indexes and liver enzymes indexes; The multiplicative model was used to analyze the interaction between different metabolic indexes and liver enzymes indexes for diabetes.

Results: With the increase of TC, TG, ALT and AST, the incidence of diabetes gradually increased(p<0.05), with the increase of HDL-C level, the incidence of diabetes gradually decreased(p<0.05).With the increase of TC, TG, LDL-C, ALT, AST and GGT, the risk of diabetes were rising(p<0.05), and the increase of HDL-C reduced the risk of diabetes. In men, the interaction between TC and TG, TC and ALT, TG and ALT, ALT and GGT are positively and multiply; which HR(95%CI) was 6.71 (1.66∼27.04),20.62(9.50∼44.76),10.23(6.42∼16.29) and 6.63(4.38∼10.04), respectively. In women, TC and TG, ALT and GGT are positively and multiply, they also play a synergistic role in the risk of diabetes, and the HR(95%CI) was 6.75(2.12∼21.50) and 15.93(4.95∼51.25), respectively.

Conclusion: TC, TG, LDL-C,ALT, AST and GGT were risk factors for the incidence of diabetes, and HDL-C was a protective factor for the incidence of diabetes. In the male population, the interaction of TC and TG, TC and ALT, TG and ALT, ALT and GGT were all positively multiplied. In the female population, TC and TG, ALT and GGT were positively multiplied by the interaction.


P. Huang: None. J. Yang: None. W. Huang: None. N. Liu: None. R. Wang: None. R. Zhang: None. Z. Bai: None. Y. Bai: None. N. Cheng: None. M. Wang: None. S. Zheng: None.


National Institutes of Health (1R01ES02908201A1); Lanzhou University (2018LDBRZD008)

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