Background and Aims: To explore the effect of HbA1c test frequency on HbA1c control in patients with T2D who had been followed up in a diabetes share-care model in five Chinese diabetes hospitals.

Methods: From January 2016 to December 2019, 5183 patients with more than 2 times HbA1c tests and 6 months follow up were included in this study. Three groups were divided according to annual HbA1c tests frequency: <2.0 times [1495 (28.9%)], 2.0∼3.0 times [1898 (36.6%)] and <3.0 times [1790 (34.5%)].

Results: Significant difference was seen on the proportion of patients reaching HbA1c target of below 7.0% in the three groups from baseline to the last visit. Receiving >3.0 tests/year led to significant larger HbA1c change [-0.60 (-0.68∼-0.52)%] from baseline compared to receiving<2.0 tests/year [-0.16 (-0.27∼-0.04)%] and 2.0∼3.0 tests/year [-0.25 (-0.33∼-0.16)%]. Only >3.0 tests/year were positively associated with higher likelihoods of reaching HbA1c target at last visit (odds ratio 1.862, 95%CI 1.518 to 2.285). No significant association was found in group receiving 2.0∼3.0 times/year.

Conclusions: We showed that 71.1% of patients received more than 2.0 HbA1c tests/year within the diabetes share-care model management, however, only >3.0 tests/year is associated with higher likelihoods of achieving HbA1c target.


L. An: None. T. Lee: None. K. Yeh: None. H. Hsu: None. L. Ji: None.

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