Diabetes self-management education (DSME) favors health outcomes and health-related quality of life. Nevertheless, achievement of glycemic control often remains low despite DSME interventions. Current validated DSME group activities provide educational, psychosocial and behavioural support with or without experience-based delivery methods (EBDM). The aim of the study is to explore the impact of EBDM on the learning process. The facilitator transcribed and coded the data collected during filmed interview of participants to 3 different DSME group trainings: 1.Problem solving (expert logic, no EBDM) 2.Educational (informative logic, no EBDM) 3. DAFNE course (experiential logic/with EBDM). 22 participants with type 1 diabetes were included (n=5 for the expert logic field; n=7 for the informative logic field; n=10 for the experiential logic field) with a semi-structure plan based on three identical questions. Discourse analysis and content analysis of the interviews were organized to evaluate learning acquisition through participant’s discourses. The results have shown that the participants in the expert and informative logic define diabetes by the physiological aspects of the disease and testify about difficulties that are not addressed during the trainings or by describing the coordination of care (general practitioners, specialists, patient associations). They also report difficulties in relation to emotional management. The participants in the third field are able to link the definition of diabetes with individual experience and to associate their difficulties on the side of emotions. DSME intervention based on experience-based delivery method permits a reorganization of disease experiences with positive impact on the learning process which favors embodied diabetes.


G. Gastaldi: Consultant; Self; Medtronic, Novo Nordisk A/S. Other Relationship; Self; Dexcom, Inc. M. Dos Santos Mamed: None.

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