Patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D) could improve its glucose control with a multidisciplinary cultural management. Coaching en Diabetes (CoeD) is a multicomponent program for steel workers and their direct families with T2D when their A1C is >9% as an effort to increase attachment to medical treatment. The program focusses on the empowerment and glucose treatment sensibilization through a group medical visit, improvement of self-management and medical treatment. CoeD is performed by a multidisciplinary team (internist, nutritionist, diabetes educator, social worker, etc.). The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of this program in glycemic control through 2 years of follow-up. This is a retrospective and longitudinal study of patients with uncontrolled T2D at Clinica Nova from Monterrey, Mexico. This study was conducted from May 2017 to 2019. We used descriptive statistics and ANOVA of repeated measures when it was appropriate. We included a total of 153 [115 (75.2%) males], with a mean (SD) age of 62.9 (11.2) years. The duration of T2D was 9.7 (6.6) years. During the follow-up 26 patients (17%) left the program, 2 of them died in relation to cardiovascular disease. All patients maintained a controlled blood pressure. We found a reduction of A1C of 1.5% [Mean (SD) 9.8% (1.5) to 8.3% (1.6), p=0.032) and fasting glucose of 41.8 mg/dl [Mean (SD) 180mg/dl (67) to 138.2mg/dl (55), p=0.021). These reductions were maintained through the 24 months of follow-up. The CoeD program was successful in reducing and sustaining A1C and pre-prandial glucose reduction in this group of patients.


M. Romero-Ibarguengoitia: None. O.M. Cantu Santos: None. D. Gutierrez Gonzalez: None. R. Gonzalez Facio: None. A. Gonzalez-Cantu: None.

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