The DPP lifestyle intervention showed that meeting weight loss (WL) and activity goals can prevent/delay T2D. The success of community translated versions of it (e.g., Group Lifestyle Balance, DPP-GLB) has led to Medicare reimbursement based on session attendance (at 6 and 12 months) and participant success at meeting a 5% WL goal at 12 months. Although attendance has been suggested to be related to WL success, the impact of the 6 monthly maintenance sessions (mos 7-12) after the more frequent 16 core sessions (mos 0-6) on one-year WL is not known. This effort examines how maintenance session attendance and WL goal status at 6 months in DPP-GLB affects achievement of the 12-month 5% WL goal. Data were combined from two identical intervention trials that delivered the 12-month DPP-GLB in a community setting to overweight/obese adults (mean age 62 years, 76% women) with prediabetes and/or metabolic syndrome. Participants who attended ≥4 core sessions during the first 6 months and had complete data on maintenance attendance and WL were included (n=238). Meeting the 6-month WL goal was associated with greater odds of meeting the 12-month WL goal (p<.0001). Odds of meeting the 12-month 5% WL goal were significantly greater for those who attended ≥4 maintenance sessions vs. those who did not (OR=6.0, 95% CI: 2.4-15.0). When stratified by achieving the 5% WL goal at 6 months, those who attended ≥4 maintenance sessions and met the 6-month WL goal were more likely to meet the WL goal at 12 months (OR=11.4, CI: 3.2- 40.7) compared to those who failed to meet the WL goal at 6 months (OR=1.5, CI: 0.3-7.5). Adjustment for age, gender and 6-month physical activity yielded similar results. Attending DPP-GLB maintenance sessions and meeting the 6-month WL goal increased the odds of meeting ≥5% WL at 12 months. For those who failed to meet the 6-month WL goal, attending maintenance sessions did not significantly improve their chance of 12-month WL success.


J. Napoleone: None. R.G. Miller: None. S. Devaraj: None. B. Rockette-Wagner: None. V.C. Arena: None. E.M. Venditti: None. K. Kramer: None. A. Kriska: None.


National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (R18DK100933, R18DK081323)

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