Whether stress-related behaviors or social factors are associated with diabetes (DM) in African-born blacks living in the United States is unknown. Thus, African immigrants who identified as healthy underwent OGTT and had extensive questioning about lifestyle and socioeconomic status. Neither participants nor investigators knew the outcome of the OGTT at the time surveys were administered. The participants were 470 African-born blacks living in Washington, DC (male: 66%, age 38±10y, range 20-65y, BMI 27.6±4.5, range 19.5-39.9). DM was diagnosed by glucose criteria for the OGTT or A1C≥6.5%. DM was identified in 9% (40/470) of participants. Age, BMI and years in the United States were higher in the group with DM (age: 44±10 vs. 38±10y; BMI: 29.8±4.9 vs. 27.4±4.4; Years in U.S.:16±10 vs. 12±10y, all P<0.01). Participants with DM had significantly higher alcohol intake and tended to have higher rates of smoking and a lower intake of fruits and vegetables (Figure). There was no difference by DM status in exercise, sleep duration, education, income or health insurance (all P>0.5). Overall, undiagnosed DM was associated with stress-related behaviors such as alcohol intake, smoking and diet. Whereas, difficult to address social characteristics such as education, income and health insurance did not differ by DM status. Combining DM screening with counseling on stress may lead to improved health for African immigrants.


N.H. Osei-Tutu: None. T. Hormenu: None. E.M. Shoup: None. A.F. Hobabagabo: None. C. DuBose: None. S.T. Chung: None. L. Mabundo: None. A.E. Sumner: None.

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