Objective: Strictly designed clinical trials have shown benifit of lifestyle Intervention on the prevention of type 2 diabetes (T2DM). Translational data in real-world setting, however, is still limited.

Methods: In December 2015, a Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT), consisting of endocrinologist, dietitian, certified exercise instructor, psychotherapist and clinical nurses was built to conduct comprehensive life-style intervention on 65 volunteers with hyperglycaemia (43 with T2DM and 22 with prediabetes) based on a WeChat group. At baseline, the patients had mean age of 48.2±4.1 yrs. Each patient was requested to upload pictures of daily meals, FPG and 2hPG, and exercise logs recorded by wearable device and the MDT experts would comment in the group. In addition, a half-day event was held at enrollment, week 4, and week 8, in which patients received face to face instructions, as well as measurements of body weight, FPG, 2hPG, HbA1c, serum triglyceride (TG) and total cholesterol (TC). Data before and after the intervention were compared by using paired T-test.

Results: A total of 59 patients accomplished intervention. The follow-up rate was 90.7%. At week 8, BMI (26.06 vs. 24.91kg/m2), FPG (8.56 vs. 6.7mmol/L), 2hPG (17.54 vs. 12.75mmol/L), HbA1c (7.28 vs. 6.53%), and TC (5.12 vs. 4.60mmol/L) were significantly decreased (all p-values < 0.01) among T2DM subgroup. Similar Figure was seen for BMI (27.86 vs. 26.57Kg/m2), FPG (6.21 vs. 5.89mmol/L), 2hPG (9.04 vs. 8.10mmol/L), HbA1c (5.98 vs. 5.78%), and TC (5.43 vs. 4.74mmol/L) among prediabetes subgroup. TG was also decreased in both subgroups but the difference did not reach statistical significance. The proportion of patients who simultaneously achieved goals of HbA1c (<7%), BMI (<26.0 Kg/m2) and TC (<4.50mmol/L) increased 16.3%.

Conclusion: In a real-world setting, well designed online plus offline intervention approach improves metabolic control in patients with hyperglyceamia.


L. Zhang: None. X. Chen: None. C. Dong: None. H. Wang: None. N. Wu: None. Y. Yang: None.

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