Insulin pump therapy is increasing in T2D but real-world use has not been well studied. This report describes insulin delivery and glucose data from adults with T2D using a tubeless insulin pump (Omnipod® Insulin Management System, Acton, MA) with an integrated blood glucose (BG) meter (Abbott Diabetes Care Inc., Alameda, CA) and data management system (DMS; Glooko, Mountain View, CA). Pump system usage data uploaded to the DMS from Feb.-Aug. 2019 were linked to a database of self-reported demographic data and de-identified. Insulin and BG data from ≥3 mo of system use per user were analyzed.

Adults (n=1,202) were aged (mean±SD) 58±11 yr: 47% female, 28% aged ≥65 yr. Total daily insulin was 61±29 units/d delivered as 60±16% basal. Percentage of total daily insulin from basal delivery was ≥50% for 73% of users, and ≥70% for 26%. Only 4.5% and 0.6% of users received ≥90% or <20% of daily insulin from basal delivery, respectively. Users bolused 3.5±1.9 x/d, with 7.8±4.5 units/bolus. Average bolus frequency was ≥1x/d for 95% of users, ≥2x/d for 81%, ≥3x/d for 55%, ≥4x/d for 29%, and ≥5x/d for 16%. About 1 in 5 regularly used the extended bolus or temporary basal rate features (EB/TBR, ≥3.33% of days with gaps <60 days, ≥3mo of use). BG test frequency was 2.1±1.5 x/d for those who used the integrated BG meter (n=853). Among these users, those who bolused <3 x/d (n=387) had a mean BG of 180±52 mg/dL, while those who bolused ≥3 x/d (n=466) had a mean BG of 167±36 mg/dL (p<0.001). Regular EB/TBR users (n=189) had a mean BG of 162±36 vs. 176±46 mg/dL for infrequent users (<3.33% of days, n=619, p<0.001).

These real-world data demonstrate positive self-management behaviors among a large cohort of adults with T2D using a tubeless insulin pump. Both basal and bolus insulin delivery were used by ≥95%, with 81% bolusing at least twice per day, and 22% using EB/TBR features. These results support the tubeless pump as a practicable option for those with T2D requiring insulin therapy.


I.B. Hirsch: Consultant; Self; Abbott, Bigfoot Biomedical, Roche Diabetes Care. Research Support; Self; Medtronic, Omnipod. R.S. Weinstock: Board Member; Self; JDRF. Consultant; Self; Insulogic LLC. Research Support; Self; Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH, Diasome Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Eli Lilly and Company, Insulet Corporation, Jaeb Center for Health Research, Kowa Research Institute, Inc., Medtronic, Tolerion, Inc. L.M. Huyett: Employee; Self; Insulet Corporation. J. Jantz: Employee; Self; Insulet Corporation. A. Chang: Employee; Self; Insulet Corporation. Stock/Shareholder; Self; Insulet Corporation. T. Vienneau: Employee; Self; Insulet Corporation. Stock/Shareholder; Self; Insulet Corporation. T.T. Ly: Employee; Self; Insulet Corporation.


Insulet Corporation

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