Diabetes calls on thousands of scientific and medical experts each year to review manuscript submissions. The editors of Diabetes sincerely appreciate the efforts of all of our reviewers who volunteer their time and expertise to provide valuable feedback to ensure the consistently high quality of the research published in each issue. We would like to recognize the “top” reviewers—based on the number of reviews completed, timeliness, reliability, and quality—for their outstanding contributions and dedication to Diabetes.

David A. Bernlohr, PhD

Ernesto Bernal-Mizrachi, MD

Shaodong Guo, PhD

Rama Natarajan, PhD, FAHA, FASN

Laura C. Alonso, MD

Philipp E. Scherer, PhD

Jonathan N. Flak, PhD

Prabhakara R. Nagareddy, M.Pharm, PhD

Alison Affinati, MD, PhD

Katherine A. Gallagher, MD

In addition, we would like to recognize those individuals who completed three or more reviews in 2020. We sincerely appreciate their contributions.

Muhammad Abdul-Ghani

Faiyaz Ahmad

David Antonetti

Juli Bai

Fabrizio Barbetti

Alexander Bartelt

Francesco Beguinot

Richard Benninger

Ashay Bhatwadekar

Susan Bonner-Weir

Dave Bridges

Julia Busik

Lu Cai

Lin Chen

Aaron Cox

Farhad Danesh

Arup Das

Pierre De Meyts

E. Danielle Dean

Marc Donath

H. Henry Dong

Lily Dong

Decio Eizirik

Lena Eliasson

Carmella Evans-Molina

Yong Fan

Brian Finck

Josephine Forbes

Philippe Froguel

Patrick Fueger

Adolfo Garcia-Ocaña

Kathleen Gillespie

Maria Golson

Guoqiang Gu

Rana Gupta

Alyssa Hasty

Mark Herman

Marie-France Hivert

Rebecca Hull

Chad Hunter

Mehboob Hussain

David Jacobson

Michael Jensen

Randi Johnson

Sona Kang

Francis Kim

Stephan Kissler

Brian Layden

Moshe Levi

Meilian Liu

Zhuoxian Meng

Matthew Merrins

Aaron Michels

Bettina Mittendorfer

Daniel Moore

Edwards Park

Ewan Pearson

Matthew Poy

Marc Prentki

Alberto Pugliese

Rithwick Rajagopal

Peter Rossing

Liangyou Rui

Matthias Schulze

Gary Schwartz

Robert Semple

Scott Soleimanpour

Andrew Stewart

Qi Sun

Rongya Tao

Simeon Taylor

Jeffery Tessem

Peter Tontonoz

Vincenzo Trischitta

Hubert Tse

C. Bruce Verchere

Matthias von Herrath

Christian Wolfrum

Jun Wu

Lei Yin

Thank you,

Martin G. Myers Jr., MD, PhD

Editor in Chief, Diabetes

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