The 35th Annual Clinical Conference on Diabetes will be held virtually on 10–13 June 2021. The ADA Clinical Conference is designed specifically for primary care physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, pharmacists, nurses, psychologists, dietitians, certified diabetes educators, and other health care professionals who care for patients with diabetes or those at risk for diabetes and who manage diabetes-related complications. Registration is now open. For more information, please visit

The Advance Program is now available for the American Diabetes Association’s 81st Scientific Sessions, which will take place as a virtual meeting on 25–29 June 2021. The Scientific Sessions offers researchers and health care professionals an exceptional opportunity to share ideas and learn about the significant advances in diabetes research, treatment, and care. The first 4,000 domestic attendees to register for the meeting will receive a Welcome Box delivered to their designated mailing address prior to the start of the meeting. For more information, including details about prizes for referrals, please visit

In a series of short videos now available on the Clinical Diabetes website, Drs. Vivian Fonseca, Minisha Sood, and Rodolfo Galindo discuss the pathophysiological changes that occur during the progression of type 2 diabetes, with a particular focus on the key role of declining β-cell function, as well as the clinical characteristics—long duration of type 2 diabetes and A1C ≥9%—that are indicative of diminishing β-cell function. An executive summary and videos of the full panel can be found at

In the third and final episode of this special series (supported by an unrestricted educational grant from the Division of Cardiovascular & Metabolic Diseases of U.S. Medical at AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals, LP), Drs. Neil Skolnik and John Russell discuss the most recent large-scale trials that have focused on the cardiovascular effects associated with SGLT2 inhibitors, how the outcomes of those trials have influenced the latest treatment guidelines related to cardiovascular disease and risk management in patients with type 2 diabetes, and how SGLT2 inhibitors should be sequenced in the treatment of patients with type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular complications. To listen to the complete series, visit

“Diabetes and COVID-19” is an online collection of articles on the Diabetes Care website featuring the latest studies, clinical observations, and commentaries on COVID-19 with specific relation to patients with diabetes. Topics include management of diabetes and its complications during the pandemic, blood glucose control and remote glucose monitoring, and outcomes in patients with hyperglycemia, cardiovascular risk, and obesity. This web page is updated regularly as relevant Diabetes Care articles are published online ahead of print. To access the collection, visit

Join ADA’s Chief Scientific and Medical Officer, Robert Gabbay, MD, PhD, for a presentation on the key updates and highlights from the Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes—2021. To access the webcast, please visit

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