The above-cited article has been retracted by the American Diabetes Association (ADA), the publisher of Diabetes. An investigation conducted by the School of Life Sciences at the University of Dundee has confirmed that the following image duplication appears in the article:

  • Lanes 1–8 of the GAPDH panel in Fig. 2D appear to have been previously published in a 2010 paper (the PKB panel in Fig. 2B) by the same laboratory:

Lipina C, et al. Regulation of MAP kinase–directed mitogenic and protein kinase B–mediated signaling by cannabinoid receptor type 1 in skeletal muscle cells. Diabetes 2010;59:375–385. DOI: 10.2337/db09-0979. PMID: 19933999. PMCID: PMC2809953

In addition, an independent review and analysis coordinated by ADA’s Panel on Ethical Scientific Programs (ESP) detected the following anomalies in the paper:

  • The GADPH panels in Figs. 2C and 4C appear to be duplicates.

  • The GADPH panels in Supplementary Fig. 6B appear to be duplicates.

  • In Supplementary Fig. 7, the left and right AMPKα1 panels and the left and right GAPDH panels appear to be duplicates.

This statement has been reviewed and approved by ADA’s Panel on Ethical Scientific Programs. More information about ADA’s retraction policies and procedures can be found at

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