Visual Abstract

Objective: Evaluate the impact of recurrent episodes of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKAr) in T1DM.

Methods: Electronic databases of hospitalized of 263 T1DM patients with the code for DKA (E10.1 and E14.1) were selected (from 2007 to 2018). Mortality curves were compared in 4 groups: a) new-onset T1DM b) single DKA episode after T1DM diagnosis c) 2 to 5 DKA and d)> 5 DKA during follow-up period.

Results: We found a 16.02% mortality rate (37/231) during the follow-up. The age at the death was 38.7 yrs [IQR 28.43-48.91 yrs]. Comparing the deceased group vs. survivors was shown in Table.

Conclusions: T1DM patients with more than 2 DKA episodes were associated with 5 times risk of mortality in the next 5 years. Psychosocial issues and microangiopathic complications were associated with this condition in this unique population.


S. S. Dos santos: None. L. A. Ramaldes: None. M. Gabbay: None. P. Dualib: None. J. De sa: None. S. A. Dib: None.

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