Visual Abstract

Animal models of obesity have shown that the expression of Thromboxane A2 Receptor (tbxa2r) and thromboxane synthase (Tbxas1) are increased in adipose tissue (AT) and are associated with insulin resistance and inflammation.

Objective: To compare Tbxa2r gene expression in the AT of human subjects with different degrees of obesity and to determine the association between AT Tbxa2r with BMI and markers of AT inflammation.

Methods: Subcutaneous AT samples were collected from lean (BMI <30), obese (BMI 30-40), and morbidly obese (BMI >40) subjects. Gene expression of Tbxa2r was analyzed in AT and compared among different groups. Correlation analysis to determine the association between AT Tbxa2r and obesity and obesity-related inflammation.

Results: The mRNA levels of Tbxa2r were significantly higher in obese compared to normal subjects (P<0.05). A higher Tbxa2r mRNA was noted in morbidly obese compared to normal (P<0.001) and obese (P<0.01) subjects. A positive correlation was observed between AT expression of Tbxa2r BMI (Spearman’s r=0.54, P<0.001). A strong positive correlation was observed between the mRNA levels of AT Tbxa2r, AT Tbxas1 and Ccl2 (encoding MCP-1) mRNAs (Spearman’s r=0.83, P<0.0001).

Conclusion: Signaling of TxA2 is higher in AT in obesity and is associated with BMI as well as inflammatory genes. Tbxa2r may be a potential therapeutic target for obesity-linked diseases including type 2 DM and CV disease.


D. Alcaraz alvarez: None. S. Viswanathan: None. T. Gopal: None. N. Kumar: None. K. Kelley: None. C. Desouza: Advisory Panel; Self; Bayer AG, Novo Nordisk, Consultant; Self; AstraZeneca.

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